Behavioral Health
Behavior Health is a unique industry with dedicated practitioners, deep impact and extremely high demand. These external demands often take precedence over internal processes like billing. As a resource to small and mid-sized behavioral health centers, TLock Solutions works to make EHR implementation and management as efficient as possible so our clients can focus on quality care. In recent years, we’ve seen employment challenges across the industry make turnover a common theme among agencies implementing a new system of any kind. And It makes sense. Every aspect of the business relates to revenue - an updated EHR means change for every department. There is a lot to learn, unlearn and adapt to. A dedicated practitioner with a heavy workload can be made to feel like they are taking on even more responsibility and become overwhelmed, resulting in lower productivity and sometimes even resignation.
Fortunately, there is a way to manage necessary changes without the need to hire a new position or spend extensive time training and overwhelming your employees. By outsourcing highly specialized external support, you’re guaranteed to keep your best asset, your employees, happy and on the team. In the age of the Great Resignation, companies are beginning to see the value in outsourcing experts for internal challenges. Our focus is specific because it’s what we know best. The TLock team brings clinician, healthcare informatics and business experience to our clients for a holistic solution tailored to your specific needs. We are dedicated to using our proven processes to get you results that can’t be replicated through a training program or new position. Find the experts that do exactly what you need for the return you want. Some of the benefits of outsourcing include:
- Experienced Advocate.
- A specialist should know absolutely everything there is to know about their niche. Behavioral Health EHR System Management and Implementation especially can cause setbacks if you don’t know what to look and ask for. Contracting an expert to do research, stay up to date on new information and advocate on your behalf will ensure that you’re communicating effectively with your staff, software provider and clients throughout the process.
- Save Time
- Any new change includes a learning curve, and trial and error can be time consuming. Working with an expert who has proven results and processes saves you the time that is typically spent on webinars, troubleshooting and training.
- Save Money
- Most updates to your business are meant to fulfill a need. WIth our clients specifically, we have seen incredible ROI when we implement a new EHR System. We successfully recovered over $150,000 in revenue for one of our clients, Tennessee Voices using our proven Rescue, Reset and Re-educate model.
- Change Management Support
- Change Management is invaluable when working to improve your business. Experts already know what issues to look for and how to mitigate and solve them. You can’t foresee how a new process or implementation will impact your company. Hiring external support can help you identify blocks early and efficiently.
- Specific Expertise
- There are so many advantages of hiring an expert whose only focus is the problem you’re looking to solve. TLock Solutions was created to help behavioral health agencies leverage their EHR systems to become and stay financially healthy. Our niche services help us advise clients with a holistic understanding of the industry, software and processes needed for success.
There’s a strong chance that the solution to your biggest problem is just a phone call away. Next time you find yourself with a specific need or engaging a new change or level in your business, consider outsourcing expert help.
If you are a behavioral health agency, check the health of your EHR system with our free consultation by contacting us at
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